Sunday, June 1, 2014

What Beauty Means to you?

What beauty means to you? If we will describe what beauty means, it is defined as characteristic of person, place, object or idea that provides perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfaction. An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, or possesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particular culture, for perfection (wikipedia).  In Greek, the word beauty has been associated with "being of one's hour".  It means that beautiful has something to do with proper time when it should be considered at its glooming moment. It doesn’t mean that when a child seems not physically beautiful at her young age, she would become forever not beautiful.  There is proper time when she will bloom and beauty becomes visible at right occasion.

As described earlier, the concept of beauty is ideally the perspective of the one who experience approval or satisfaction.  There may be possible instance that a perceived beauty to person A is not the same as person B.  There are differences among individuals the acceptance of ideas to which the kind of customary they fit in. Generally, the standard of beauty has been changed overtime based on the varying cultural values. Throughout the history, young people with smooth skin, well-proportioned body, and has regular features has been considered traditionally most beautiful. It’s been associated with time - at the proper time when an individual bloom glamorous at their right age.

Knowing what beauty means and how other people will respond about perceived ideas will definitely pay attention to what standard they are looking for and give the necessary respect on it.  Most of the people are particular with an outlook appeal of an individual but basically, it should be a total package of one’s personality that includes the inner self and physical attributes. Since beauty is a characteristic, other traits that are intangible yet visible to the eyes of other people, are considered part of one’s personality that maybe perceived as satisfactory or the opposite.

Physical beauty is natural and a gift from the author of life however an individual who possess this special gift should be grateful enough to work on other features that make her/him even better. Maintenance is an effort to work on to become even more beautiful everyday.  Everything that are placed properly seems beautifully peaceful and in order. Neat and clean is pleasing and when colorful artworks of designs are added, it creates more beautiful environment. Plain is simple but when complexity of problems comes in, where’s the beauty would be coming in? Well, if you learn to handle to poise and pause with beauty and confidence in the midst of turbulence, then the beauty is appreciated more. This may be literal but imaginative where the real splendor resides.

To be admired is mostly expected by many people, to become gorgeous, good looking, attractive, stunning…etc but its takes time and exertion to become one of them. Being beautiful doesn’t mean physical perfection but completely beautiful from inside out. What makes more fine-looking to a person is having a joyful heart and having good relations to other people.         


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