Monday, June 16, 2014

Seed of Learning keep your children safe from other influence

How would you protect your child from the bad influence outside of your home? When your children are getting into the stage of teens they are bound to curiosity as they are exploring into the new level of their life.  Adventures are quite inviting to their eyes and their interests are little by little are also changing.  Their being open to parents are starting to become too far because of some secrets between trusted friends. 

This seems too normal to any children that experiencing transition from childhood to adolescence but how would you ensure that your children are still safe from the possible influence of the outside world of your house?  How would you enforce monitoring and control to know the safety of your kids? As parents, be active in engaging your children’s activities. Have a regular conversation about their whereabouts so you would keep track of their actions. Communication will cure your worries and fears about your children. Establishing good communications will help you know them more and bring you even closer.  Make your time available when they need you for them not to ask for someone’s help in case you are not around. Avoid substitutes in your presence because when they feel accustomed to it, the same thing will bring your out of the picture. Be supportive and let them feel you are always there for them.

Establishing your good influence at regular basis may never break your confidence that their trust and love dwells when you are present.  When you had built the good foundations with your children earlier at their development stage, it would help you nurture their growth as you practically show them how those principles and values help them in different situations. It is important that parents show best examples as they teach so that children may significantly implies the learning they find on it. Help your children to become safe from the bad influence outside your home by teaching the unfolding moral values in your heart. Live what you teach in order to earn the respect from you as role model.           

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