Friday, June 27, 2014

Greatest Love is a greatest Gift

Your child is one valuable gift from the Magnificent Creator of Life. How do you supply your love and affection to him as he grows up? How would you show your care and attention to him? Would you extend your time and gifts as basis of your love for your child?
There are research and studies shown that kids tend to become more secure and confident when they feel that they were cherished by their parents than those who don’t.  The acts of care help you to reassure your child about your love and attention towards them.  From the research, it has been found out that so called “love hormone” offsets negative and stressful feelings. Who do you think would like to live a life without love from the parents? That’s the reason why a family is important in building good community, society and nation.  This basic unit of our society really impacts the many people and groups around them.

Showing your love doesn’t mean giving all things your child wants but providing all the things that your child needs. The needs of a person does not limit in tangible things but also intangible gear that requires supplementing the growth and development of your child. Giving and providing is part of parents’ responsibility but giving emphasis on what you give is really that matter most. The act of your affection may show kindness, generosity, love, and care to your children which is really good but you have to say some words to them how they are really mean to you. This reassurance demonstrates the value of your love in words in and in deeds. There are strong and good manifestations of your well embraced affection to your kids. Do not hesitate to support and extend your act of love to affirm and reassure your great love for them.       

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