Saturday, June 21, 2014

Habits of Happy Kids

Children have their own world doing things they like. In a very simple environment they have, they try to make things happy that could bring smile, laughter and fun to those who around them.

For every level of age groups, children have different interests to do.  For toddlers playing is one of their major interests. Children in preschool are more interested in the areas of their studies because of excitement with their new adventures. Preteens are fond of playing gadgets, online games, browsing internet, active at social media sites, selfie pictures, downloading favourite music and a lot more. 

What would you do to pursue the habits of your children? Are you going to support them all through out because they are happy doing it? Or will you restrain them from doing in excess to what is expected? As parents or guardians, you have to observe the habits of your children if it doesn’t affect their behavior and make sure that you properly guide them well. However, you have to support them with their interests in becoming happy because it also helps them to grow in good environment.

As you guide and shape their good habits, help them to become proactive or in charge of what they do in order for them to feel more responsible with circumstances after their decision about little things for them. Teach them to plan and learn how to manage their time in studies and interests. Show them the importance of prioritizing like work first and play. Help them to realize that there’s potential in success by hardwork and determination and there are rewards in accomplishing your goals.

That’s why habits can be fun but remember that being happy doesn’t mean always good and right. Teach them to balance things and enjoy the best out of it.         

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