Friday, June 13, 2014

Importance of Communication to your Child

Communication to your children is just like a bridge that connects you to another point. It is necessary to keep an active communication with your kids no matter how busy you are at your business or any profession.  As your children grow, they need an attention that will help them to cultivate good behavior and skills.

Your children should never feel terrified to speak with you. Regardless how hard the matter would be and even if they made something wrong, they should have the courage to speak up and confess things with sincerity.  Of course, parents doesn’t want see your children closing the door and keep what troubled them alone.  Parents love should be bigger enough to embrace their immaturity and even their flaws because of greater love that you extend for them.  There may be conditions that you find disappointment from your children but they must first know that you are there for them no matter what.  
Work on communicating with your child better and better as they grow older.  It doesn’t mean that you only communicate only they your children are facing with problems but even in dealing with simple and ordinary routines they do everyday. Constant communication builds a better and stronger foundation of your happy relationship with them.   Share your precious time with your children and bring stories that will make them laugh and smile to ease tension and worries. Do this regularly when you all join together in a meal once a day, praying before bed time, or even bringing them up at school. 
What’s important here is you do your most significant role as parent to your children and share a valuable time with them as you help them shaping their good behaviors and establishing better connections  and relationships with family at your home sweet home.

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