Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Help Your Children With Their Study Skills

When your children come home from a tiring lecture and activity from school, what do you do? Ask them if they have homework to do? It is healthy if you will greet them first and give a refreshing idea that would make their weariness gone for a moment. Establishing good connection would bring them relief and enthusiasm before you help them with anything brought at home to work on.

We cannot expect a hundred percent accuracy of the learning patterns to all students because each of them has different learning aptitude. Depending on the teaching strategies implemented at school, your children may be able to grasp a portion or majority of the topic.  That’s why parents have a major role in helping their children to understand and widen the arena of getting to know it better. 

If your children are in elementary level, it is good that you ask the notes provided by their teachers. It may help where to start to assist them in the study.  Since, this level likes to play around, do your strategies in getting the full attention. You may act as a teacher for your child to follow you during studying time with her/him. If she/he gets bored easily, insert some movements in your study like a cool dance or lovely music. Do not forget to review at the end of the session. Make it short and simple for him/her to be remembered easily. 

If your children are in middle school, it is better if you could ask for an assistance of others since their subjects are quite challenging to handle. You may opt to find a tutor to help your child but you have to make a better evaluation if there’s a need to get one. Some middle school kids love competitions and group study.  You may also invite 2-3 close friend-classmates to conduct group study with your guidance. When you see that your child has been motivated, you also provide rewards and prizes for him/her if she may beat the score she/he wants to achieve. Do a kind of strategy that may be helpful and applicable to your child (that’s why you have to know your children better for you to help them in their education) .

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