Sunday, June 29, 2014

Help your children become successful at school

Inside the classroom, teachers could easily identify those students who are doing fine. It’s very simple to pick names from those who are really performing well. Students in the class come from different sizes, interest, ability, hobby, and personality.  What is the chance of attaining the possible the success of your children soon?    

Children that are eager to learn - show the first sign of their interest and enthusiasm in the field of education. Learning will lead them into a better opportunity and accomplishment. But how could you help them to become successful at school. Parents extended support with their kids in terms of homework, assignment, and project are essential in keeping their concentration doing their best. It is also helpful if parents follow up their children’s task whether if they’ve made it already.  When the children have school events, it is good if parents could drop by to show their support.

Help the children pursue learning – when kids find the difficulty with their studies, parents may try to convince their children not to give up and complete the whole process by proving their own abilities. Parents should stand as the encourager to the children who have the hard ways in dealing some activities and homework. Be the inspiration and guide to remind them that hard work will pay off.

Strengthening of social and emotional skills – when your children are in the school, it becomes the avenue of their children’s growth in social and emotional challenges.  There are full of multiple experiences in dealing with authority, friends, and group dynamics.

Parents are role model – what parents say should be seen as well. It’s more significant to give advice to your children when they know that you walk the talk. Integrity is also important in earning respect from your children. Good models are inspiring and inviting to do things positively. Help your children to become successful at school by keeping them shape the way you deal with them everyday. 

Friday, June 27, 2014

Greatest Love is a greatest Gift

Your child is one valuable gift from the Magnificent Creator of Life. How do you supply your love and affection to him as he grows up? How would you show your care and attention to him? Would you extend your time and gifts as basis of your love for your child?
There are research and studies shown that kids tend to become more secure and confident when they feel that they were cherished by their parents than those who don’t.  The acts of care help you to reassure your child about your love and attention towards them.  From the research, it has been found out that so called “love hormone” offsets negative and stressful feelings. Who do you think would like to live a life without love from the parents? That’s the reason why a family is important in building good community, society and nation.  This basic unit of our society really impacts the many people and groups around them.

Showing your love doesn’t mean giving all things your child wants but providing all the things that your child needs. The needs of a person does not limit in tangible things but also intangible gear that requires supplementing the growth and development of your child. Giving and providing is part of parents’ responsibility but giving emphasis on what you give is really that matter most. The act of your affection may show kindness, generosity, love, and care to your children which is really good but you have to say some words to them how they are really mean to you. This reassurance demonstrates the value of your love in words in and in deeds. There are strong and good manifestations of your well embraced affection to your kids. Do not hesitate to support and extend your act of love to affirm and reassure your great love for them.       

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Are you cool parents with your kids?

What we have learned from our parents gives significant effects to us when we place ourselves as parents too. Knowing the value of being loved and cared is something that you will really appreciate and happy about. It is rewarding to have a complete family that truly embrace you with comfort and assurance regardless of any situation.    

It’s unavoidable that sometimes children are naughty and irresistible with their actions but you have to extend more patience and understanding since they are immature. Be extra nice and cool with the kids for them to appreciate you more as their mom and dad.  Show your love and control when times you do not know what to do. Remember that your children are still young in many aspects and your role as parents is to maximize your support with them.

There are many ways how you could show your love, care and support to them. Financial support and other tangible items are the usual things that are visible to give your kids.  But more importantly, your time to be with them in as they grow up is really indispensable. How you mould and guide your children as time passes by is vital in shaping up your kids. What you show them made them realize the value of parenting. So be cool and nice to them so you would enjoy the time together while doing things at home and even during your pleasure moment. 

Being cool and nice doesn’t mean you allow your children to do only what they want. Give way as long as it doesn’t affect you much or it may not lead them negatively. Learn to listen to your children and have an open mind to know and understand their needs.  Be attentive to them in times they need you most, be part of their activities or events at school.  Be the coolest mom and dad to them.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

How do you show your love to your kids?

Do you say or do you show your love for your children? Is it helpful if you just keep the love without saying? Or it is healthier if you say but you don’t show your affection to your kids?

Different parents have unique approach in raising their children. They have different styles in expressing their emotions to their family. Some are too wordy yet you can never see them at work. Some are performer to such point that you can’t hear any   words at all. Can we call it a silence of love?

They said that action speaks louder than words. Does it mean that showing your love to your children are much preferred than saying it? Well, love is an emotion that requires action to do in order for you to express your feelings. However, to express ideas as you communicate can be done both verbal and non verbal.  Therefore, when you act something to show your affection, it should be followed with words to affirm the message of action if it has been understand fully and correct.

When you bring something for your kids or when you do things for them, make sure that you have to affirm the message of what you do for them to fully know your intention of doing it. For example if a child would say: “because my mom and dad love me, they even went home for me to celebrate this occasion together even they are both working abroad. Because of this phrase, it concretely shows that a child recognize the meaning of the actions expressed by his parents.

It is important to show your love to your children both actions and words. Do not be afraid to say things naturally because it is essential and healthier. Your parent-child relationship will even grow better and better.   


Saturday, June 21, 2014

Habits of Happy Kids

Children have their own world doing things they like. In a very simple environment they have, they try to make things happy that could bring smile, laughter and fun to those who around them.

For every level of age groups, children have different interests to do.  For toddlers playing is one of their major interests. Children in preschool are more interested in the areas of their studies because of excitement with their new adventures. Preteens are fond of playing gadgets, online games, browsing internet, active at social media sites, selfie pictures, downloading favourite music and a lot more. 

What would you do to pursue the habits of your children? Are you going to support them all through out because they are happy doing it? Or will you restrain them from doing in excess to what is expected? As parents or guardians, you have to observe the habits of your children if it doesn’t affect their behavior and make sure that you properly guide them well. However, you have to support them with their interests in becoming happy because it also helps them to grow in good environment.

As you guide and shape their good habits, help them to become proactive or in charge of what they do in order for them to feel more responsible with circumstances after their decision about little things for them. Teach them to plan and learn how to manage their time in studies and interests. Show them the importance of prioritizing like work first and play. Help them to realize that there’s potential in success by hardwork and determination and there are rewards in accomplishing your goals.

That’s why habits can be fun but remember that being happy doesn’t mean always good and right. Teach them to balance things and enjoy the best out of it.