Thursday, May 8, 2014

What to consider in choosing school supplies?

School supplies can be used to motivate kids in going to school especially those beginners who are a bit scared to be left in the classroom with whom they consider strangers. 

Having a new bag, new shoes, and attractive umbrella among others gives the kids excitement to wake up the next morning knowing that they will be able to use their new stuff.

Going out you will see various kinds of school supplies that will mesmerize your eyes, more so your children’s. But there are also things which parents consider in acquiring school supplies.
Number one is budget, second is quality. So off you go and begin your school supplies shopping.

An eraser which shaped like the head of Mickey Mouse or a sharpener that looks like Hello Kitty is more attractive compared to an ordinary boring white eraser bar which a branded one looks like. Aside from the beautiful designs, these stuffs are cheaper than what we usually have. But inspecting it further, you will realize that it doesn’t erase well the way an old eraser does plus, it breaks into pieces easily making it hard to use. After a while you will realize that instead of saving money you’ll end up spending more because you need to buy one after another.

Having the above information, you are now  faced with dilemma; which to buy, the one with attractive designs which is cheaper but with low quality or the more expensive brand, which is less fancy yet can be used longer. Your choice can somehow affect your child’s emotion, however, can also teach them values which will guide them later as they mature.

Parents are not just ordinary mothers and fathers, they are also financial managers. A good parent must be a good model as well. The decision you make today can teach lesson to the kids which will help them tomorrow.

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