Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Make your own product and make it a business

Life is expensive and so is living. Living in the city is inevitably expensive.  It is definitely wise to look for alternatives to be able to save at least hundreds of dollars every month. It may not be easy but for patient and creative homemaker this is not only easy but enjoyable as well.

DY – there are lots of DY things which you can find over the net you just have to be patent and practice trial and error for a start you may shed out few bucks but after mastering the project you will now enjoy saving from hundreds to thousand dollars. And if you’re business minded you can even start a small one begin selling to your friends who would believe you easily then expand by offering as well to your friend’s friend.
Here are few tips on where to start with naturally beginning s always the hardest part but when you do t repeatedly you’ll be surprised to realized that you get used to t that short of a time.

Begin with making your own dishwashing liquid as this is one of the household products that no mother can get away with.  Started mine and the previous expenses of $10 for a week for dishwashing liquid was cut down to $5. 

Second project that you must try s shampoo and conditioner everyone takes a bath daily so you’re assured of regular customer. 

Next project should be baby/adult lotion.  Most of the time mommies set aside themselves for the sake of the family and the usual suffers s the skin.  F you could offer your friends good products which cost lower or even half the price of which n the groceries then you’re not just assured of a permanent clients but you were able to help them as well.

Mae sure that you do your product right and with quality so your clients will stay longer that you requested them.

For more ideas on saving, click here.

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