Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to deal with children fighting?

One of the many reasons of fights between siblings is competition and jealousy. Most often than not unconsciously, we as parents are the cause of these two major reasons. Being the authority in the family, we can do something to end the clash. 

In general circumstances, every member of the family has his own view, commonly, children have differences on their opinion and this usually signals the start of a fight. Everyone wanted to be heard and acknowledged, some even want their suggestions to be applied.

As a parent, we need to act accordingly to prevent the possible conflict that may happen.  As a responsible adult we need to stand in the middle and play the role of a mediator to avoid division.  It is not wise to take sides unless we are ready to lose one or some of your children which is normally impossible. Apply gained wisdom, analyze each suggestion or point of view and decide in such a way that no one shall be hurt.

Taking sides or obviously giving favor to one creates jealousy thus will somehow result to unhealthy competition till wake up one day seeing children fighting one another which no good parent wanted.

We all want to see our children in a harmonious environment, so we must always be on the lookout, coz we might unintentionally bring them to an undesirable situation which will be harder for us to handle.

Prevention is better than cure as they say; our commitment to our children requires impartiality, open-mindedness and intelligent decisions.

For family celebrations find out your children’s outfit here. 

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