Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Building good natured individual in the future

Last Sunday was the celebration of “Mother’s Day”, in the television, over the radio, in the internet, in all social media platform, all these medium and more, you will see greetings, gift suggestions, tourist spot destination which are all pointed to the showering of love and care towards mothers. However, there are some people who don’t seem to worry, is not bothered about what to do or to give his mother or his wife.      

Does that mean he doesn’t care? Sometimes its, true but at times, these people were victims. Its either they were never taught to give or never felt love and care during childhood days.

There are people who despite of the overflowing love they have in their hearts, do not or could not (this is more appropriate than the latter) express their love, they may be exposed to an environment where love is expressed freely yet they themselves had not experienced receiving love, that would be hard for them to pass love as well.

Lucky enough, most of us are showered with affection, it is our chance now, having informed of all these complications, to teach everyone around us how to love, let us express our care, show our love and let them feel their importance. The fondness that we may give will somehow teach the next generation to love and to offer their blessings when due necessary. 

Let us begin by giving our children gifts not only during special occasion but during ordinary days when they do something worth praising, let that be a symbol of a reward, a way of saying thank you or I love you, aside of course from being vocal about it.

A loving individual is someone who was received it from home, let us become instrument of propagating good natured generation by loving our children first.

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