Friday, May 23, 2014

How to be the most beautiful person on your wedding day?

It’s not being conceited to ask to be the most beautiful on your wedding day. That’s supposed to be your moment, you must be the star of the event. You deserve to have the grand entrance, the most applauded when marching and the only female head turner ever present in the occasion. 

Unexpectedly there are some members of the entourage who intentionally or unintentionally stole the bride’s moment and get more attention. 

Though it’s not anyone’s fault if they look stunning than the bride or if they appear to be more attractive than anyone on the occasion.

However having the voice in the preparation period you can do something to control the situation. You must hold the highest authority in the decision making on your wedding so you can implement whatever you want.
There are simple solution to this; choose the design of the second sponsor which will not look better in anyway than your wedding gown unless one of your maids is unquestionably good-looking that whatever she dresses brings out her natural beauty.

 Everyone be it male or female has their most time of the day. This is the time where they feel being gorgeous. Know your beauty’s best time. Better schedule your wedding day the time where you could be and feel lovely. If you feel that you look better in the morning then that should be the time of the wedding ceremony where a lot of marching will take place. 

But if you knew that you look worn-down during the day, choose late afternoon as the schedule of your wedding. It may sound scheming and selfish, but if that would make you feel happy and comfortable, there’s nothing wrong to own your most awaited occasion.  But then again, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind sharing the limelight then that would be better because you will have less stress,  less problem and there would be less complications.

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