Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Things to Consider in Choosing the Venue of a Bridal Shower

Any occasion can be very boring when it is always done the same way, even supposed to be traditional practices can be innovated without necessarily sacrificing its main essence, nonetheless make it more remarkable and fascinating.

The venue plays a big role in making an event unforgettable. Just like the wedding ceremony, bridal shower can be held in so many different locations to make it a lot more exciting.

There are certain things though to consider in choosing a place for the bridal shower. 

First is the personality of the bride-to-be, the selected venue must be in accordance to her personality, her preferences and style. As an event planner, this is the very basic that should be familiarized with. The star of the night must not be offended going to the place she is not at ease with.

Second is the theme of the wedding, the venue and even the program of the bridal shower must be in parallel with that of the wedding ceremony, it must not be as serious or solemn as it is, but at least will not contradict.
Third and probably the most important is the BUDGET. The availability and the extent of the fund dictate the whole planning.

 Chose a place which will go along the amount allotted for this event unless all expected guests would contribute or at least some of them would volunteer to shoulder the expenses.

After shortlisting locations or places where the bridal shower should be held, before making the final decision, think again, make sure that everyone especially the bride-to-be will be comfortable going to that place and will be at ease while having the most anticipated bridal shower.

Bridal shower can be boring or exciting depending on the miscellaneous that are sometimes neglected. Plan it well and make it the most treasured bridal shower ever.

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