Sunday, May 25, 2014

The key is comfort

There are no two children exactly look alike, even identical twins have differences. Their preferences do not equate to one in so many ways. Not because one particular dress looks good on the girl in the commercial or in the image on magazine it will automatically fit your daughter make and her appear like that on the picture.
Make sure that whatever dress you will choose will make her comfortable unless you want a scene on the wedding day. 

Fitting – A dress especially in occasions where misbehavior should be prevented or reject if possible plays an important role in a child’s actions. Too tight or too big clothes will make her uncomfortable. She will feel uneasy and less confident. Too tight will prevent her from moving with freedom thus will make her irritated and restless. Too big on the other hand will make her like a clown and a laughingstock especially if there are insensitive guest on the occasion.

Length – Not only the fitting is important but even the extent of the dress as well. You don’t want your child to be humiliated when she falls on the floor while marching the aisle due to the floor length gown she is wearing. If you will go for a long gown, make sure that she still has enough space to walk on, practice will be helpful especially if its her first time wearing that long. However, too short might give her uncomfortable situation, she may get too conscious to ramp.

Dressing little kids is really fun and exciting, but let us be reminded that the subjects are children who may not have long patience, does not have the sense of fashion like adult who are willing to endure discomfort for the sake of beauty and appearance. They are the people who will tell what they see and how they feel, besides they can be fashionable while comfortable.

For all your flower girls dress need, visit here and enjoy seeing your little lady walking with confidence and ease.  

Friday, May 23, 2014

How to be the most beautiful person on your wedding day?

It’s not being conceited to ask to be the most beautiful on your wedding day. That’s supposed to be your moment, you must be the star of the event. You deserve to have the grand entrance, the most applauded when marching and the only female head turner ever present in the occasion. 

Unexpectedly there are some members of the entourage who intentionally or unintentionally stole the bride’s moment and get more attention. 

Though it’s not anyone’s fault if they look stunning than the bride or if they appear to be more attractive than anyone on the occasion.

However having the voice in the preparation period you can do something to control the situation. You must hold the highest authority in the decision making on your wedding so you can implement whatever you want.
There are simple solution to this; choose the design of the second sponsor which will not look better in anyway than your wedding gown unless one of your maids is unquestionably good-looking that whatever she dresses brings out her natural beauty.

 Everyone be it male or female has their most time of the day. This is the time where they feel being gorgeous. Know your beauty’s best time. Better schedule your wedding day the time where you could be and feel lovely. If you feel that you look better in the morning then that should be the time of the wedding ceremony where a lot of marching will take place. 

But if you knew that you look worn-down during the day, choose late afternoon as the schedule of your wedding. It may sound scheming and selfish, but if that would make you feel happy and comfortable, there’s nothing wrong to own your most awaited occasion.  But then again, if you’re the type of person who doesn’t mind sharing the limelight then that would be better because you will have less stress,  less problem and there would be less complications.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Make your own product and make it a business

Life is expensive and so is living. Living in the city is inevitably expensive.  It is definitely wise to look for alternatives to be able to save at least hundreds of dollars every month. It may not be easy but for patient and creative homemaker this is not only easy but enjoyable as well.

DY – there are lots of DY things which you can find over the net you just have to be patent and practice trial and error for a start you may shed out few bucks but after mastering the project you will now enjoy saving from hundreds to thousand dollars. And if you’re business minded you can even start a small one begin selling to your friends who would believe you easily then expand by offering as well to your friend’s friend.
Here are few tips on where to start with naturally beginning s always the hardest part but when you do t repeatedly you’ll be surprised to realized that you get used to t that short of a time.

Begin with making your own dishwashing liquid as this is one of the household products that no mother can get away with.  Started mine and the previous expenses of $10 for a week for dishwashing liquid was cut down to $5. 

Second project that you must try s shampoo and conditioner everyone takes a bath daily so you’re assured of regular customer. 

Next project should be baby/adult lotion.  Most of the time mommies set aside themselves for the sake of the family and the usual suffers s the skin.  F you could offer your friends good products which cost lower or even half the price of which n the groceries then you’re not just assured of a permanent clients but you were able to help them as well.

Mae sure that you do your product right and with quality so your clients will stay longer that you requested them.

For more ideas on saving, click here.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wise Mom Under Budgeting

Budgeting is one of the tasks a mother has which contribute majority of the wrinkles that you would see in every mother f not all. 

A wise mom should know how to budget; so they say, in every average family; budgeting the not so big income is one great task. But analyzing the situation, budgeting has something to do wise spending.
Here are some tips on how to be successful in budgeting.

1.       Make a list – whenever and wherever you go, always bring list of what are lacking n the house, whether it be food, supplies or anything that you feel necessary to comply. Mae sure that the list is written in order of priority. 

The reason of bringing  list all the time is; when you see items which you needed, you can buy it right away at the same time you did the real purpose of going out, not only you save some for the fare, the gas and effort, you also ensure that you always have what you need.

Writing your needs according to prioritization is for you to be reminded always which is more important. 

2.       Buy in bulk – Whole sale is always cheaper than retail. Others thought that buying items in small packaging saves their money compared to buying a whole pack. Make it a habit to calculate.  Divide price with quantity. By doing this, you will be assured that you bought the right measurement fitted for your budget.
Sometimes the difference is just centavo, but having a hundred centavo of savings in all items you bought for the week or a month, you’ll be surprised to realize that you save an amount that could buy another product.

3.       Go for bigger store – Usually, bigger groceries offer lower prices compared to smaller ones. Not to mention that you have variety of choices to choose from and compare with.

Money can dictate a lifestyle, but nothing beats a wise mom. You just have to be a sensible spender. For more mom’s deal click here.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Buying bargains 101

Purchasing bargain items is one of the practical ways a wise mom should consider if budget is tight. A lot of products were placed in the bargain section for various reasons.

 Items which expiry date is near approaching for edible goods but still fit for human consumptions are placed in the budget section of the grocery.

Stuffs like toys, cookware among other things with slight damage are also sold on a lower price, sometimes half of the original price. 

Clothes with minor problem are usually tagged “on sale”.  For an instance, a small portion of the dress is unstitched or there’s a small hole, or some buttons are loosened or there’s stain.

But sometimes there’s this painful truth; not all bargains are good-buys, sometimes while taking advantage of the low price offered, we put our family’s safety at risk.

There are food products which have not arrived on the date of expiration yet, but the packaging seem unfit for a food or it appears rotten, turn your face back and look for other items. 

In the case of clothes, if the damage is unnoticeable, then it’s worth buying or if it can be altered to make it into a design, that’s acceptable especially if you can be an artistic or resourceful mom, on the other hand, there are times where the damaged part is very much obvious then a second mind should be considered.
Think twice if the alterations and repair is still possible and modestly practical to do, you might end up spending more compared to buying another one with a regular price.

Buying bargain items is an intelligent way to save a lot of money but it takes a wise mom to really see the worth of a bit of sacrifice, make sure you know how to inspect an item to be sure enough that you really had a good deal out of what was bought with a discount.