Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Maid of Honor Responsibilities

If the groom has a best man then the bride has her own maid of honor. Maid of honor is the chief lady attendant of a bride. Maid of honor is use for unmarried lady, while matron of honor is use for married lady.
The maid of honor plays an important role to the success of the wedding. The bride usually picks her sister, a closest friend, or relative for this important part on her wedding day. She gives morale support to the bride. And, she’s always present in every detail of the wedding. She helps in the decision making of dresses, decoration, and party. 

It is the maid of honor responsibility to help the bride, while the best men duties are to help the groom. Your responsibilities begin with constant moral support to the bride. You should live up to the trust the bride has shown. You must cheer the bride and give a patient hearing when she is gets her pre-wedding blues.
Just like the best man before the wedding, the maid of honor helps organize the wedding shower and bachelorette party. The wedding shower is a gift giving party for the bride, while the bachelorette party is a party for the bride to be married. 

Now, the bachelorette party is becoming more famous for the modern bride. Nowadays, the strip clubs, bars, vacations, dining, concerts, and sports event are the favorite place for bachelorette party. While it's a custom to delight the bride with a surprise, be careful not to shock her. Many people advice to actually involve the bride in it, to avoid stressing her out.

As a maid honor you need to be sure on your responsibilities.  While you are excited about the fun that goes with it, you must also be quite sure of your duties so as to make the bride take pride in you.

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