Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Help Your Teen Manage Their Stress

Stress is something that everyone experience and sometimes it affects ones whole personality. When I say everyone these means any age bracket including young teens, teenagers come under stress from many sources

It is not true that adults are the only ones capable of feeling stressed. There is a good deal of stress in everyone's lives these days and that includes children and teenagers. However, they are not as well prepared to cope with stress as adults should be. 

Teens usually find it hard to handle stress and the related problems may get worse when they grow up. Too much stress can cause problems like upset stomach, annoyance, tantrums or total withdrawal of kids hence, it is necessary to know how to manage stress on your teens properly. 

It is your role as a parent to guide them and help them overcome whatever they are experiencing. You need to help them cope up stress management.

Take note like any other relationships, communication is needed for parents to know and understand what their teen’s problems are. More often than not, they would not tell their parents what the things that bother them are. Therefore parents must be on the lookout of their teen’s unusual actions. If this happens, talking and reaching out to them is the first thing you must do. 

Parents are the first mentors, this means that your children young as they are would depend on you. They will learn almost everything from you including attitude. This simply means that if you wish them to be positive, then you must also show positive attitude. 

Positivity is a good thing to impart to your children especially when they reach the age bracket of a teen. Because being negative will only worsen stress, if your child is having some problem, cheer him up and say that there is always a solution to every problem.

Physical affection matters as parents, never hesitate to show your kid your love and affection by hugging and kissing him. Physical touch plays a very vital role in helping your child get over stress. Let your child know that you are always there to protect and support them.

These are some advice that you can do to help your teens managestress. Remember to spend much quality time with them and never let any unusual behavior pass.

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