Friday, September 12, 2014

Benefits of Using Reusable Bag over plastic

Today reusable bags are being use when purchasing in the grocery.  One obvious reason why establishments opt to use this is to lower our consumption of oil based products like plastic bags and to decrease our use of paper so that we don't need to cut down as many trees each year.

Reusable bags are sensible alternative to paper and plastic bags. By using reusable bags, not only can you lug around your groceries, you can also play your part in preserving the environment. 

When plastic bags break down into pieces they separate into smaller toxic bits that other creatures accidentally eat. Most animals do not have the ability to get rid of it out of their bodies that is why most of them die and become endangered species.

Over the course of the year, over 360 billion plastic bags are used in the United States alone. The sad news is that it takes over 1000 years for plastic bags to break down within a landfill.              
The production of plastic bags consumes huge amounts of oil that could otherwise be used to meet our fuel demands. By using reusable grocery bags you are, helping out on our fuel crisis as well as the environment.
On the other hand the production of paper bags consumes huge amounts of trees, and this should be avoided since we're trying to preserve our environment. It takes years for a tree to grow, thus this would create floods when typhoon occurs. Since there are no trees to absorbed excess water brought about by storm.

Many people consider that paper bags are better alternative to plastic bags. But paper bags carry their own set of environmental problem. Plastic bags are no better than paper bag and vice versa. They are both polluting and destroying our environment. Therefore it is better for us to stick to reusable bags and be environmentally aware of the benefits it brings us.

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