Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Increasing the attention span of your boy

While it seems that you have a perfect boy there will come a time when discipline is necessary. In order to teach your boy what is appropriate and what is not appropriate you need to get his attention. On average a 4- or 5-year-old child should be able to stay focused on a task for two to five minutes times the year of their age. 

This is according to child development experts therefore young kids should be able to focus between 4 and 20 minutes, or possibly more and that would depend on the task. However this rule of thumb, just like any guideline for raising children, depends on the situation. Attention span should be studied in every context.  
If you are the parent of an aggressive boy, then learning how to properly discipline your unruly child is vital to help him learn. Boys are very different from girls, as they tend to express themselves in a much more physical nature.

Based on studies the attention span of boys tends to be shorter than that of girls. Obviously this varies with each child. There are more boys who suffer from ADHD. And even boys who have wonderful powers of focus still have a tendency to move, recoil, fiddle with objects, look around, and generally want to be on the move.

When getting your boys attention see to it that there are no distractions. Television, phones, tablets and other gadgets can divide your child’s attention. When talking to him make sure you got his full attention and focus, in order for him to think, listen and respond to your questions. 

You should also provide consistent discipline for him. Set a few clear rules and stick to them. If your son is well disciplined during regular life, you can then easily discipline him in other aspects of his life. 

Incorporate these tips into your child’s day to day life and watch his attention span increase. With a little bit of patience and continuous guidance creativity, this can be a rewarding experience for both you and your son.

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