Monday, August 4, 2014

Valuing our family

Every individual is a member of a family.  A family is the basic unit of any society.  How we are raised by this family, brings a significant impact of becoming who and what we could be.  We have to give importance to our families because our families also give us high importance being a part of it.  Our families are often the people who know us best and have been with us in a longest period of time. They are always there to understand and accept us no matter who we are.  A family loves us unconditionally. 

Our home that comprises our family members is the shelter that protects us from any harm outside its borders.  Our parents as the pillar of strength deserve honor and respect.  Living under the umbrella of our families may go through a roller coaster moves likes the ups and downs of different situations. This small structure we called home is the fundamental school that teaches us the basic difference of right and wrong and eventually teaching more about ethics and standards. 

Because of the changing pattern of new generation, the atmosphere of valuing family becomes obsolete.  Parents are becoming busy at work and aim to conquer the peak of their career and business.  Their children are shifting attention into other interest which they become more engaged into computers, and games. Teens and young adults are spending time with friends and other hobbies. We should not compromise our success in exchange of healthy relationship with our families. Confront issues and restore relationships because we value our families.  Be reminded how important to have one and be happy to be part of it. Every individual has a responsibility in contributing effort to create a strong and happy family.  

At the end of the day, let us put everything aside and sit down with our family meal and spent time together with good news and stories about the latest thing that happened to every member of the family.  Valuing family is really something you could be proud of.

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