Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Crafting to earn money

Crafting is one of the few ways for everyone to earn. Whether you do it part time or fulltime you’re sure to earn extra for your everyday expenses. If you like crafting and want your creative side to shine this may be the income opportunity that you are looking for.

The first thing that you have to consider is to find a place to sell your craft. You may sell you stuff through friends and neighbors. You can also sell online there are websites like ebay and etsy that could be your place of market. Ebay is a marketplace just for anything on earth while etsy is a marketplace for handmade crafts and crafting supplies. 

Choosing any of these online selling sites may help you boost your sales and you will be able to expose your products not only to your locality but also around the world. Another reason is that it is fairly simple to set up your store online. You do not need to be a computer savvy to create one.
Next on the list is putting a price on your products. Learning how to price your crafts to sell is extremely important as you want to earn maximum profits from all your hard work. You have to take into consideration the cost of your materials along with charging for your labor costs so that you're not producing your crafts for next to nothing.

You may have to select a fair final retail price for each craft item and then work backwards, deducting your materials costs to calculate whether each item and the time involved is worthwhile to create. Just put in mind that you are making profit here therefore you must document everything and every penny should be accounted for.

Next would be the marketing side, in the advent of internet and by setting up your online store. Marketing is not nearly as hard to do as you think and nowhere near as expensive as it would be to market a bricks and mortar store.

In fact, there are many ways you can market your store for free. You can advertise it through social media networking sites like facebook, twitter and instragram and everything is for free.

By now you’re aware that crafting is not just a hobby it could be fun and at the same time you can earn from it.

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