Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Do it yourself Avocado as a hair treatment

Everyone has a problem with their hair and sometimes it is a bad hair day.   That is why nothing can ever beat a woman who possesses beautiful and long hair. But did you know that there are home remedies in order to have a beautiful hair.

Avocado can be of help in maintaining a good looking hair. Therefore you can t
ransform your hair into shiny luxurious locks using an avocado hair treatment at home. In this article you’ll see how you can use avocado as a hair treatment.

So, let’s start what you’ll need is a glass bowl, knife, fork, spoon, warm water and the avocado. Cut the avocado in the middle lengthwise and pull the two halves apart and then scoop out the avocado pit. Mash it up thoroughly in a small glass bowl using a fork.

Take note that you need to completely mash it, with no remaining pieces showing. Next scoop up your mashed avocado hair treatment and work it into your hair using just warm water.

Then massage the avocado hair treatment into your scalp. Cover your hair with a shower cap or a layer of plastic wrap. Let the treatment sit on your scalp and hair for 20 minutes. Then shampoo it out and dry your hair as usual.

Using avocado as a hair treatment at home is very affordable. You don’t need to spend much money in achieving a shiny luxurious hair.  If it is your first time to used avocado as a hair treatment you may try some on a few strands of hair first.
Just apply it on few strands this way you'll know if it'll wash out easily. On the other hand if you have bleached hair it's more absorbent and it may be a little harder to wash it out. But for those you have used it regularly there is no problem washing it out, it’s always good to test it first if you have any hesitation.

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