Sunday, August 17, 2014

Have you found him? Signs that he is Mr. Right

You’ve been through different relationships and you’re asking yourself if the guy you’re dating with for quite a long time is the ONE.  But how can you make sure that this guy will not leave you crying? Here are some signs:

No pretensions you can be yourself all the time. You don’t have to be the most beautiful girl in the world all the time.  He is Mr. Right if he still loves you even though you look older on your dress or gained 20 pounds. He loves you despite of what you can and can't do.

He gives you his time. Though he may be busy at work and he finds time just to hang around with you. This is enough to let you know that you are important to him. 

He listens to your drama even if it’s overrated. And you’ll feel he really listens. You’ll realize it if a few days later, he will ask about something that you said
If you have children of your own he never tries to come in between you and your children. He would never make you choose between your children and him. He understands that the bond between you and your children is special. 

He wanted to meet your family. You’ll know his Mr. Right if he takes time or make the effort to get close to your friends and family. Because he knew that they are important to you and they are a part of your life and he will go out of his way to start building good relationships with them.

Each one of us has a need in a relationship and you need to determine if your needs are being met by the person you are with. There are a lot of broken relationships but the true test is when the right signs come you’ll feel it. Then he really might be the one for you and it’s time to go for it girl!

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