Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rose petals on your wedding day

When it comes to selecting the kind of flowers you would like to use for your wedding, it would make perfect sense for roses to be a preferred choice.  The magic of rose petal accents a wedding day. A shower of rose petal on your wedding day will make the occasion a festive yet a simple one. 

Undoubtedly, the most traditional way to use rose petals in a wedding is to place some in your flower girl's basket so that she can drop them, one by one, as she walks down the aisle. It's a simple and sweet way to signify that the little girl is preparing to make your grand entrance.

You and your beloved may also take some close-up shots of your hands once you have your wedding bands on them, placing some rose petals in the picture can be a subtle yet elegant touch.

Organizing your wedding should be the most romantic occasion of your lives. Fresh rose petals are a wonderfully romantic touch and they are readily available. There are three types of petals to choose from; fresh, freeze-dried and silk. All three are readily available from local growers, florists, and the internet. 

Please take note that fresh rose petals need to be obtained on the day of the wedding and also need to be prepared just before use, meaning extra stress for the bridal party. The upside is that they are all-natural and biodegradable, but the downside is that they also break down fast and they may not look so great later in the day. 

As an ending note whether you want your bridesmaids to carry a darker accent color bouquet of Bon Silene roses or you'd prefer to have it as a centerpiece roses are a timeless selection that will fill your heart desires.

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