Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Reduce the stress of Parenting

Being a parent is a gift from God. Seeing your kids growing fast is a rewarding thing. Children bring so much joy to our lives, give us hope, teach us patience, and show us what love really is. But apart from the joy it brings it has a corresponding responsibility. 

Studies show that parents have higher stress levels than non-parents. Single parents have even higher levels, and so do parents of adult children. Surprisingly, the parents worry more and have more stress about their children after they are all grown up.

In becoming a parent you must have a lot of patients coupled with having a healthy mind and body. You must feel comfortable with who you are in order for you to give your children a true, deep and unconditional love.
A child's very existence is the responsibility of the parents, and it is the parent's responsibility to raise their children using healthy parenting skills. Take note that no child has ever asked to be born.

Kids today are hard to control you can’t just control your child easily. Stress will start to build up on the part of a parent whose child resists following instructions. In most cases taking on a positive outlook on child issues can turn almost any behavior into a benefit. Offering options or alternatives is how to raise a defiant child successfully with less stress.

The more you try to control your disobedient child the more difficult it will become and the more they will try to control you. The best way for a parent to deal with any kind of situation is to involve the child in deciding his life. 

Give them options through this they will at least be making a decision about their fate and you should not have to feel bad about taking the stand because you let them have their way first.  Let them believe that they are the one in control as much as you can. This strategy will give you less stress and at the same time bring you closer to your child. But be sure that your guidance is still there.

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