Saturday, July 19, 2014

Help your kids stay shaped, fit & healthy

When your child had increased his measurement and you find it difficult for him to wear his most favourite clothes, how would you help him what best fit him?  It’s either you push him to exert effort to keep his former shape to wear his favourite apparel or just tell him to simply buy a new one.

Being fit and shaped brings many advantages that’s why for most people, it simply means the appropriateness of appearance, state of condition, a form of something that relates to activities like gym, aero, and exercise. These activities involve one’s desire, discipline, movement, options, changes and results. Whenever your child is experiencing unsatisfying physical condition especially gaining of weight, options becomes too high in keeping healthy and fit body. In this case, proper diet and exercise are the usual recommendations to obtain a healthy lifestyle.   

Help your children to shape up and do simple yet regular exercise.  These activities would help them reduce calories and trim down stress.  Encourage your kids to enjoy doing simple exercise like jogging, walking, and or stretching that helps them refresh their thoughts. Advise them to use stairs rather than using lift going up at school or even at low rise buildings. Prepare them healthy snacks with appropriate balance diet with good combination of fruits veggie and meat that makes them feel vigorous and good.  Teach them to take time to meditate that helps them focus breathing and feeling relax. 

After school activities, allow them to find time playing to increase excitement and fun. Wearing good shades of their clothes also help them feel and think cool and fun environment. It’s better to feel comfortable wearing comfortable clothes. Teach them to entertain positive thoughts to lessen stressful feelings or emotions.  Controlled feedback may help your kids to manage themselves than to respond in unfavourable situation.

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