Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Flower Girl dresses are for little princess

A wedding entourage consists usually of the bride and groom, their parents, groomsmen, bridesmaids, attendants and little angels that are task to be the flower girls and ring bearers. Little girls who dressed like miniature brides are the flower girls.

Flower girls add much delight to a wedding entourage. While these little girls look so adorable down the aisle, these little girls usher the way of the brides with flower petals. These little girls deserve the best dress for the wedding day.

Flower Girl dresses are often specially-made for the girls who precede the bride down the aisle. These dresses are made from high-quality fabrics and made by meticulous couturier. Brides who have expensive weddings will often choose Flower Girl dresses that sometimes rival the cost of a bridesmaid's dress.

We expect the multitude of bridesmaids to have on pretty dresses, and the groomsmen to look sharp in their color-coordinated suits. And we all love the little ring bearer marching down the aisle. 

But when the Flower Girl dresses make their appearance, everyone's eyes are on the flower girls as they cautiously parades down the aisle right before the bride. It's the flower girl dresses that cause the wedding guests to smile and get excited at the thought of little girls growing up.

When choosing a flower girl you might want to consider a little girl who is between four and six years of age is because this age range is cute and girls this age can do unpredictable things that make her personality shine on your big day. 

Please take note that this range is always good because girls this age can be trained to do what they are supposed to do without much rehearsal needed. Keep in mind you want someone who will listen and follow directions.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Accessories your flower girl over all look

Flower girls always bring out the fun mood on a wedding day. In order to create the best mood you as the bride to be should decide on what to put on your little girls outfit. But remember the flower girl should not outshine the bride, but complement her gown while blending with the bridesmaids' outfits. Below are some tips in accessorizing your flower girl over all look.

At a young age you don’t need to over accessories the child; a fresh yet stunning look will be perfect for her. If the girl has natural curls let her hair flow naturally with a flower or a hairpin to finish it off. Floral or ribbon head wreaths, and lightly jeweled tiaras can also add beauty.

Just keep it simple, while your bridesmaids will be able to sit through a session with the hair stylist, young children often become bored and will be unable to sit still. Therefore elaborate hairstyles and accessories should be avoided.

As said earlier just keep it simple, therefore natural and a minimum of makeup is a must. A little light lip gloss, some light foundation, and a touch of mascara to highlight her eyes this would be enough for a little one. Buy a sunscreen for their age as majority of photos are taken outside they need to be protected.

Since they will do so much walking and running go for comfy shoes that matches their dress, their shoes can be a satin or silk streetwear style ballet shoe or similar flat shoe. Just make sure that it complements the fabric and color of their gown. If you are having a beach wedding, a flower girl may go barefoot with a petite silver or gold fine chain anklet or ankle bracelet.

These are just some suggestions that you can incorporate on your flower girls overall outfit. You can still add some more depending on your preference and creativity. Remember that this is your wedding day so feel free to include what you want.

Flower girl tradition- where did it started?

You’ll agree with me that a flower girl adds beauty to the wedding day. Those little angels that walk down the aisle wow everyone. They really steal everyone’s heart at the wedding day. 

When they walk down the aisle the wedding ceremony starts. In other words they set the tone of the happiest wedding celebration ever. Sweet flower girl, as well as the beautiful bride, always steals the show!
But how did it started let's first take a quick look at the flower girl tradition.

By tradition when the bride and her bridesmaids walk to the church together, a little girl would start the procession and lead them to the church while scattering flower blossoms along the path.
This act is said to help bring a life filled with flowers and happiness to the bride. This tradition still stays until today in modern weddings.

Way back in the Middle Ages, flower girls were assigned a special job and this is the same job they do today. They walk down the wedding aisle ahead of the bride and groom and spread grain but not flowers in order to pave the way for a new beginnings, fertility and happiness in the marriage.

Based on history, the first flower girl made an appearance in ancient Rome, carrying sheaths of wheat and herbs for blessings of fertility and prosperity in a new union.

Later on in the Elizabethan era, there would be rose petals covered the entire path from the bride’s home to the church. A flower bearer followed a group of merry musicians in the wedding precession. 

Back then the flower girl would carry a sliver bride’s cup adorned in ribbons and hold a gilded rosemary branch. Miniature bouquets are prepared as gifts to wedding guests and the bride’s family home is decorated with knotted ropes full of blossoms and greenery.

In today's modern times flowers girls usually carry rose petals, and while not everybody believes that they have special powers that will grant the new couple a harmonious relationship it still brings hope to the newly wed.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Themed Flower Girl Dresses

If you are a picky bride and wanted to do everything from a scratch you need plenty of time in preparing for our wedding. The process would be tedious and sometimes would bring you hassle especially when it comes to your schedule.

Purchasing a flower girl dress can be done in several ways. You can get a beautiful and adorable dress for your little angels in a number of options. Your hand on approach will involve everything from the designs to the material of the dress. 

Flower girl dresses do not always have to be the standard pretty dress. One can have fun with this by incorporating themes into the wear. For instance, turn your flower girls into little angels by adding angel’s wings to the dress. 

You’ll agree with me that they’ll look adorable. Not only do that you’ll love seeing little angles walking down the aisle on your big day and the girls will have some fun as well.

You can also have a theme from a particular era. This is a wonderful idea, such as short sixties inspired dresses. Be creative but remember to take dress that your flower girls would feel comfy. The more comfortable your flower girl feels in her dress, the calmer the day should be for you.

When planning a wedding it is important to ensure your flower girl has a comfortable dress that matches the theme of the wedding. Take note that during the planning process, there are several things to consider. 

Therefore having a theme to follow will make your job a little bit easier. When you have the theme you can easily decide on what kind of dress you’ll choose. That includes your wedding dress as well as the whole entourage. You can find everything to be in place by considering these tips during the planning process.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Increasing the attention span of your boy

While it seems that you have a perfect boy there will come a time when discipline is necessary. In order to teach your boy what is appropriate and what is not appropriate you need to get his attention. On average a 4- or 5-year-old child should be able to stay focused on a task for two to five minutes times the year of their age. 

This is according to child development experts therefore young kids should be able to focus between 4 and 20 minutes, or possibly more and that would depend on the task. However this rule of thumb, just like any guideline for raising children, depends on the situation. Attention span should be studied in every context.  
If you are the parent of an aggressive boy, then learning how to properly discipline your unruly child is vital to help him learn. Boys are very different from girls, as they tend to express themselves in a much more physical nature.

Based on studies the attention span of boys tends to be shorter than that of girls. Obviously this varies with each child. There are more boys who suffer from ADHD. And even boys who have wonderful powers of focus still have a tendency to move, recoil, fiddle with objects, look around, and generally want to be on the move.

When getting your boys attention see to it that there are no distractions. Television, phones, tablets and other gadgets can divide your child’s attention. When talking to him make sure you got his full attention and focus, in order for him to think, listen and respond to your questions. 

You should also provide consistent discipline for him. Set a few clear rules and stick to them. If your son is well disciplined during regular life, you can then easily discipline him in other aspects of his life. 

Incorporate these tips into your child’s day to day life and watch his attention span increase. With a little bit of patience and continuous guidance creativity, this can be a rewarding experience for both you and your son.